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Västgöta Nation's Women's Choir

Who are we?

Västgöta Nation's Women's Choir (VGDK) is a medium sized choir of about 25 to 30 members. Being the youngest of Västgöta Nation's three choirs, VGDK started in 2009 and has since then contributed to Uppsala's rich choir culture. This year we celebrated 15 years with a grand Jubilee concert on the 25th of May!

Our goal is to grow together musically and take on fun and new challenges. Our repertoire consists of mostly classical music, Swedish folk-music and ballads fit for gasques or other festivities, but we also challenge ourselves with other genres.

The choir performs at nation dinners, a variety of gigs and charity concerts in Uppsala. We also arrange our own concerts in the spring, fall and for Lucia. 

Since spring 2019 the choir has been conducted by Tomasz Siegrist, who studied choir-conducting in Stockholm. 

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Our conductor - Tomasz Siegrist


Photo: Diako Idris Biradosty

Tomasz Siegrist was born in Bern, Switzerland. In his hometown he studied composition as well as classical singing and started conducting his own compositions. After a preparatory course in Copenhagen under Morten Schuldt Jensen he moved to Stockholm in 2015. There he did his masters in choir conducting at the Royal Music Academy under Fredrik Malmberg. Since then he works as a conductor for different choirs in Stockholm and Uppsala and is active as a singer, composer and organist. In 2018 he founded Nya Vokalensemblen Stockholm (NVE) which focuses mostly on performing new music, but also arranges workshops with different guest teachers.

He regularly partakes in courses on choir- and orchestra-conducting abroad and has taken lessons from Robert Sund. In October 2019 he was a semi-finalist in "Jazeps vitols choir conducting competition", a competition in Riga, where he had the opportunity to conduct the professional chamber choir Ave Sol. Since 2019 he has conducted VGDK and enjoys contributing to Uppsalas rich choir life.


  • Höstkonsert med VGDK
    Kom på höstkonserten ”Vindarna sucka” med VGDK där vi sjunger de fallande löven till med den perfekta kombinationen av jazz och körsång; folkiga […]
  • Jubileumskonsert – VGDK firar 15 år!
    Vi har snart gått ut högstadiet! Tänk, att vi redan är 15 år gamla. Det vill vi såklart fira med en hejdundrande konsert! Vi kommer sjunga nya […]

Listen to us! - Charity concert in Uppsala Cathedral, October 2023

For more videos, see Videos or our  YouTube-channel!

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